Our Family

We are both lucky

to come from very loving families that mostly live close by.

Some of Cody's siblings reside in the state of Florida, which always gives us a reason to go away on mini vacations to visit! We are both incredibly close with our families and enjoy getting together for dinners, holidays, and vacations. We have 2 nephews and 4 nieces that all age from newborn to 4-years-old (just waiting for a new little cousin to play with!). Our families have been extremely supportive of the adoption process and can’t wait to welcome and love on our baby-to-be.

and building our family


is a goal we have discussed from the very beginning of our relationship, and something we will put all our heart into making a reality.

Fav snapshots

with our nieces and nephews

What our friend says about us

“We have seen Heather and Cody interact frequently with nieces and nephews. They bring a sense of fun, while also teaching them new things, setting appropriate boundaries, and always displaying patience and kindness. It is without reservation that I recommend, and support them as adoptive parents.”